Retention & Speed Booster is a multi-functioning product that will enhance your treatment as it increases retention AND the speed of work.
Due to its very high alkalinity, Retention & Speed Booster helps to gently open the hair cuticles. This enables more glue to stick with the extension and the natural lash thus increasing retention.
Being one of the BEST eyelash products on the market, this is a must-have in every professional lash extension kit!
BEFORE using Retention & Speed Booster:
- hair is smooth and cuticles are closed
- there is less surface area on the natural lash for the glue to adhere to
- a natural lash surface area may even be slippery on some clients due to oily skin or very shiny lashes
AFTER using Retention & Speed Booster:
- hair cuticles are slightly opened
- increased surface area for optimal adhesion
- hair is rougher which makes the glue grip better to a natural lash
To increase the retention, apply Retention & Speed Booster with a micro brush on natural lashes, after cleanser and primer to slightly open hair cuticles and increase the surface for better grip and adhesion.
To increase the speed of the treatment, apply Retention & Speed Booster with a micro brush on the strip of the extensions in the box or on the lash palette to prevent the lash fan from closing during the "fanning". Do not use on Easy Fanning lashes!